Hi, I'm Paras Dahal.

I am currently a machine learning engineer and researcher at Pioneer, an early stage venture fund and accelerator where we discover and invest in the most exceptional founders worldwide.

I obtained my graduate degree in machine learning from University of Amsterdam in 2022. During my studies, I worked as a research intern on NLP for Life Sciences at Elsevier. In 2021 I founded Docdown, a document automation software which was acquired by GetBusy PLC (LON:GETB). Prior to this, I worked in a machine learning role at CustomerGlu and interned at Microsoft.

My research interests revolve around self-supervised representation learning from the lens of learning useful structures in the latent space such as causality and temporal abstraction.

I share my working notes on a wide range of topics in AI and ML over at Notes on AI. I also occasionally publish long form articles on various topics in machine learning here on my blog.

Here are some other places you can find me : Github / Google Scholar . To get in touch, feel free to email me.